




Catching Up with Motocross Freerider Christian Dresser

Christian "CD" Dresser is a rider on the move—both literally and figuratively. The Oviedo, Florida native and former racer-turned-freerider has experienced tremendous growth recently with his social media following thanks to his silky-smooth style and massive physics-defying whips. But as a talented upcoming freerider living and riding in Florida, he realized the time was now for a change of scenery to keep his momentum going. So he packed up his bike and belongings and moved his base of operations from Florida to southern California to take his freeriding career to the next level. We were curious to know more, so we called up Christian and asked him about the move, what it's been like adjusting to his new west coast lifestyle, and what's ahead in the future.

EVS: Christian, you recently made a move from Florida to California. What made you decide to make the move out west?

Christian Dresser: Just a whole bundle of reasons. The first time I ever made a trip out to California was in January of 2020. My dad and I went out there for about a week. And then I think we went back to California two different times that year for like a week each time. Then I was there this year at the beginning of the year for a month, and the more time I spent riding there and meeting new people, it felt like every time I was going back to Florida, I was leaving behind my life in California. So it just kind of made the most sense to try to see if I could make it work out here.

EVS: Especially with what you do, being a freerider. The west is so different from Florida, where it's mostly private land and practice tracks that might have some hits you can ride. But California seems to be the place to be for an aspiring freerider such as yourself.

CD: Oh yeah, it's pretty awesome out there. In Florida, it's more of a racing scene. I've had this conversation with my dad a lot, and when people ask me why I moved to California, I ask them to name a freerider that lives in Florida. People struggle to answer that question. I mean, the only freerider that lives in Florida is Ronnie Renner, and he has his own property. The only other person is Tom Parsons. But the funny thing with that is that his freeride compound with a quarter pipe and ramps got shut down about a year ago. So he hasn't been able to ride his Florida property at all, and he's been spending most of his time out in California now.



EVS: Moving from Florida, where you have your family and support system had to be a big step for you. To go out on your own at 19 years old—that's a huge life change.

CD: It was. It was huge for me because, for the past 19 years of my life, my mom and dad have led me the whole way. They've given me everything I could ask for my whole racing career. I raced for about 15 years and quit racing about two years ago. My dad helped me through all of it and supported me as much as any dad could. I got to a point where I kind of felt like I can maybe do this on my own. I knew my parents wouldn't want to move to California, but it felt like the place I needed to be for what I'm doing.

EVS: Yeah, that makes sense. Moving to California, where there are so many industry brands and riders, have some new doors opened for you; with so many like-minded people, sponsors, and media being out there?

CD: Oh yeah, definitely. It's like the whole dirt bike scene is triple what it is in Florida. It's a lot different. Even the number of filmers out here for motocross, there are so many filmers, and many want to work with me now that I'm out here. It helps a lot.

Christian Dresser

"Ever since I was a little kid, it's kind of cliche or corny to say, but I've always felt that this is what I was born to do" — Christian Dresser

EVS: And as a result, both your social media followers and overall exposure has gone up, right?

CD: Yeah, it was strange. The whole Instagram thing started on the first trip I ever made to California. The first video I posted was kind of what started the whole Instagram thing that I'm doing now (laughs).

EVS: You recently headed up north to Oregon for Josh Hill's Big Hill Jam. That looked like such a fun and entertaining event. How was it for you?

CD: Yeah, that was definitely by far one of the coolest events I've ever been to because it's not a race or anything, so everybody wants to have fun and a good time. To be able to be a part of that, I was stoked. I actually made it to the finals, so I was pretty stoked on that. I feel like this sport is starting to become fun again. It's kind of like how it was in the 1990s and early 2000s, with all those guys back in the day. It was more of a fun thing back then. There was a period where everything got so serious, and now it seems like everything is starting to come around where people want to have fun again.

Christian Dresser

"I feel like I'm ten times better as a rider now than I ever was when I was racing. The goal is to keep getting better and better." — Christian Dresser

EVS: What has it meant to you to make the transition from being a racer to a freerider? Has it given you a new appreciation for riding dirt bikes?

CD: In a way, freeriding kind of rescued me. Everything was building up and building up when I was racing. Every race felt like it was getting worse and worse. Then there was a local race at a track about 20 minutes from my house where I fell a couple of times per race, it wasn't going well, and I had a complete mental breakdown that day. At first, I didn't know what to do, and for a while, I thought I was going to hang up the boots for good. But I didn't want to quit, and this may sound cheesy, but I feel like every person has this little spark inside of them. Ever since I was a little kid, it's kind of cliche or corny to say, but I've always felt that this is what I was born to do. So I kept on riding for fun and eventually became interested in ramps. One of my friends worked it out to hit one, which led me to where I am today. I'm not stressed out about trying to put down fast laps. I'm going out there to play around and throw whips, which has helped me progress the most. I feel like I'm ten times better as a rider now than I ever was when I was racing. The goal is to keep getting better and better.

EVS: Christian, thank you for taking the time to talk with us about your move to California. We're excited to have you as a member of #TeamEVS. We wish you all the best with everything going forward. Is there anything else you would like to say before we let you go?

To have support from a company like EVS is huge! Obviously, they have a wide range of protective gear to choose from. For a long time, I was wearing the TP199 Knee Guards because they were so dang comfy! I just recently switched back to their Axis Sport Knee brace. I made that decision simply because I want to preserve my knees for a long as possible. But besides the products, the guys behind the scenes are the real reason EVS is so awesome. Taz and Jackson have always been there to help me out if I need anything. Such an awesome group of people and definitely some of the best protective gear in the game. Thank you for all of your help and support!

Christian Dresser's EVS Choice:

Axis Sport Knee brace

EVS Axis Sport Knee Brace

Interview by Dale Spangler


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